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Baby Cub
$5 $4.75 first month
then $4.50 for subs

You get 10% off in the store, as well as access to the exclusive chat in Discord!

Baby Cub Discount
Exclusive Chats
Store Discount
Den Life
$10 $9 first month
then $8.50 for subs

You get 15% off merch as well as access to a different sub chat that will get announcements right after VIPs.

Den Life Discount
Exclusive Chats
Store Discount
$15 $12.75 first month
then $12 for subs

You get 20% off in the store, as well as a special channel in Discord that will come with first looks at any announcements right after Mod Squad.

Subadult Discount
Exclusive Chats
Store Discount